Tuesday, April 5, 2011


I think that this woman should be able to publish her work. If she finds this stuff interesting why not let her show it to the world. It might help out people in this world. It can make us more grateful for what we have. People might respect their stuff more and realize that they are lucky for what they have.
I think that people will see these pictures as inspiration. It will push them to want to help others who have less than them. Also people will see how people who have less are still grateful for everything that they have. Especially when they get something new they appreciate it a lot more than us.
People will know that their homeland is still beautiful even though these pictures are not of their landscape. Because every place in the world has places where people live like this. But that doesn’t make the place or homeland not beautiful.
I like the part where they say “The authorities want to shoe a rosy-cheeked face, a beautiful face, as if the wise rulers rule so well that nothing will ever happen.” I think this makes it seem like the artist really cares about her work and wants it to get out there.

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