Friday, April 29, 2011

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty
Lauren Christensen
           One day at 3:20 Humpty Dumpty went up to talk to his friends house name Pacho Humboldt. Because he needed to tell him that everyone in the village was finding out who the new king was going to be in two hours. But when he knocked on the door and sat there for three minutes but there was no answer. Then he heard a rumbling noise coming from below him. So he looked down and realized he was super hungry and wanted some food.
So he looked around for somewhere to sit. The first thing that came to his mind was that wall to his left that was a half foot taller than him. But he could find any way to get up on the wall. First he tried to just pull himself up on the wall but his egg shaped body was too heavy for him. He then saw a tree that was right next to the wall. So he thought “I should use this tree to get up on the wall.” But again his egged shaped body was too heavy to get him up on to the tree. So he softly lowers himself back down.
Humpty Dumpty was starting to get mad that nothing was working. So he went to the next house over and said, “May I please have a ladder to get myself up on that wall. So that I can eat my food.” The women responded, “Yes you may, just make sure you are safe once you get up there and return the ladder.” Humpty Dumpty agreed to what the women requested. Humpty Dumpty carried the ladder over and slowly climbed up the ladder but it started to move.  He hurried and jumped up onto the wall. But the ladder fell over. But Humpty Dumpty didn’t care. He started to eat his cabbage and cheese. Once he got through eating he looked around for the ladder but he couldn’t see it. So he slowly looked over the age hoping that he wouldn’t fall. He sees it lying on the ground. But there was no way for him to get to the ladder so he could get down. Humpy Dumpty was so scared that he was going to fall over while figuring out a way to get down.
So he was being extremely observant on where he could go to get down safely. He looked at the highest and lowest points from the top of the wall to the ground. He was also seeing at how thick the wall was at every point. He went to the thickest part of the wall and also where it is closest to the ground. He then sat down and slowly was sliding his egg shaped body off of the wall. He was doing everything that he could to keep his balance and then all of the sudden this big gust of wind came and pushed off the wall. Losing his balance he falls to the ground and cracks and breaks into tons of pieces. Nobody was even there to help him get up and by the time people got there it was too late and there was nothing that anybody could do.

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