Thursday, May 5, 2011

       Lauren Elizabeth Christensen wants to get a great experience out of high school. I would like to make it a fun time and not be boring. When I go to high school my first year, I want to not be super up tight. I would like to have many friends and get to know many new people.
       In high school I would like to be on the Jordan high school soccer team. All four years and be a starter. I hope that in those four years we can make it super far in the season. Maybe even win the championship, and get a trophy.
       I would like to be an amazingly kind person who is looked up to by little kids. I want to be liked by everybody and I want to be a fun person to be around. I want to be happy all the time and not a downer. I hope that I can be a leader, but also not controlling. I would love to be best friends with Alida Mestrich Safsten most of all (Even after death).
       I hope that I am not a loser, with not any friends. I would like to be asked to prom by a nice and caring person. I hope that I can be kind to all my friends I have now so that I can keep them even throughout high school.
       In high school I hope to accomplish many good things. I want to get a 4.0 for the first time in my life. I would like to get good grades. So I can get into a good collage. Like Utah State or somewhere in California.
       I would hope that when my sister is in high school the one year I am in, that we can get along. Also that we can do stuff together. I just would like to have me and my sister super close in high school.
       I hope that I can be unique in high school and not be like everyone else in the school. I would like to have my own style and not act like anyone else. Beside Alida I would like to be like her. Not afraid to be original.
       I hope that I can try new sports in high school on my spare time. I would like to try golfing. I think that it would fun to get to know the kids on the team. Plus I have always wanted to be way good at it.
       My main goal is to make that soccer team, and to be a person who is looked up to by others. I want to be a loving person who does not bully anyone. I would like to help stop bullying.
       I can not wait to go to high school and have all of this happen. I cannot wait for prom, or soccer, or to be in school with my sister. I hope that my friends and I will be super close all the way through high school.

Friday, April 29, 2011

Humpty Dumpty

Humpty Dumpty
Lauren Christensen
           One day at 3:20 Humpty Dumpty went up to talk to his friends house name Pacho Humboldt. Because he needed to tell him that everyone in the village was finding out who the new king was going to be in two hours. But when he knocked on the door and sat there for three minutes but there was no answer. Then he heard a rumbling noise coming from below him. So he looked down and realized he was super hungry and wanted some food.
So he looked around for somewhere to sit. The first thing that came to his mind was that wall to his left that was a half foot taller than him. But he could find any way to get up on the wall. First he tried to just pull himself up on the wall but his egg shaped body was too heavy for him. He then saw a tree that was right next to the wall. So he thought “I should use this tree to get up on the wall.” But again his egged shaped body was too heavy to get him up on to the tree. So he softly lowers himself back down.
Humpty Dumpty was starting to get mad that nothing was working. So he went to the next house over and said, “May I please have a ladder to get myself up on that wall. So that I can eat my food.” The women responded, “Yes you may, just make sure you are safe once you get up there and return the ladder.” Humpty Dumpty agreed to what the women requested. Humpty Dumpty carried the ladder over and slowly climbed up the ladder but it started to move.  He hurried and jumped up onto the wall. But the ladder fell over. But Humpty Dumpty didn’t care. He started to eat his cabbage and cheese. Once he got through eating he looked around for the ladder but he couldn’t see it. So he slowly looked over the age hoping that he wouldn’t fall. He sees it lying on the ground. But there was no way for him to get to the ladder so he could get down. Humpy Dumpty was so scared that he was going to fall over while figuring out a way to get down.
So he was being extremely observant on where he could go to get down safely. He looked at the highest and lowest points from the top of the wall to the ground. He was also seeing at how thick the wall was at every point. He went to the thickest part of the wall and also where it is closest to the ground. He then sat down and slowly was sliding his egg shaped body off of the wall. He was doing everything that he could to keep his balance and then all of the sudden this big gust of wind came and pushed off the wall. Losing his balance he falls to the ground and cracks and breaks into tons of pieces. Nobody was even there to help him get up and by the time people got there it was too late and there was nothing that anybody could do.

Friday, April 15, 2011

A jumble of island officials and resident volunteers are shaving troubles saving tens of thousands of Northern Rockhopper penguins threatened by an oil spill in the stretches of the south Atlantic, about 1,500 miles west of Cape Town, South Africa.
A cargo ship leaked thousands of heavy oil, soya bean and diesel fuel near Nightingale Island. At least 300 penguins have died.
"I've seen about 15 to 20 dead penguins just today," director Trevor Glass said.
"The danger now is getting the rest of these penguins past that oil slick," Glass said.
The rescue had begun March 16, when the M.S. Oliva, a Maltese, registered ship, ran aground, fracturing the vessel in two.
The ship was heading from Santos, Brazil, to Singapore and had been carrying 60,000 metric tons of soya beans and 1,500 metric tons of heavy fuel, according to islands' administrator Sean Burns and Transport Malta, the Maltese shipping authority.
The ship was heading from Santos, Brazil, up to Singapore. There was 60,000 metric tons of soya beans and 1,500 metric tons of heavy fuel.
The agency said in a statement that it "is investigating the grounding and subsequent complete hull failure" of the bulk carrier cargo ship.

There were 22 crew members that were on video during the dramatic rescue. It also showed penguins soaked in heavy oil.
The people who shot by an expedition team from eco-tourism ship.  While filming them camera men used inflatable boats to help carry the sailors back to safety.
Currently an oil sheen has been surrounding a chain around the island. Many officials say this could lead to a disaster in the environment.
            While using inflatable watercraft and fishing vessels, they are taking penguins to rehabilitation centers at the main island of Tristan da Cuhua.
Conservationists and volunteers are working in an effort to nurse the blackened penguins back to health.
"We need help," said Katrine Herian, a spokeswoman for the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds who is also apart of the ongoing rescue effort.
"The priority is to get food into the birds as they are very hungry," she said. "We are trying locally caught fish and some are starting to take small half-inch squares of the food."
Someone noted that some of the islands' residents had emptied their personal freezers in an effort to help feed the animals.
By Friday, A team had corralled and transported a total of nearly 5,000 penguins, during horrible winds and high seas that had played with the earlier rescue attempts.
Their timing when they were there became risky.
The shipwreck, having come at the end of the birds' molting season, this is a period during which penguins shed their feathers, do not eat and largely stay out of the water,  left the birds "at their weakest possible state," Guggenheim explained. "They're very hungry."
Less than 300 people currently live on the island chain, next to the its massive penguin population, estimated at 150,000, which makes about 40 percent of the world's total.
It is amazing how they have saved so many penguins and that they won’t be in harm any more. But for all the ones that died they should have prevented this from happening and checked their cargo before they had left their ports. Thankfully the men and women who have been trying their hardest to save every penguin they could they were able to save so many. Now we are able to see penguins not harmed. Now 5,000 penguins are saved.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Ghost city symbolizes cost of nuclear disaster
When people went to the place called Pripyat. They were not supposed to touch anything as they went into a kindergarten school room. The toys were all covered in thick white dust. They are laid there untouched for almost a quarter of a century.
I find it super sad that scattered among them were infant-sized gas masks. The little toddlers must have been so scared to be in there with gas masks. I hope that those kids were all safe and got out ok. It must suck to have to just leave your houses.
That is a lot of people that fled. 50,000 people that fled to Chernobyl’s No. 4 reactor exploded. It is so sad that this place was considered one of the best places. But now it is all ruined. That is horrible, this place was amazing but now it is covered in dust.
I think that it is horrible that they had to relocate 330,000 people. If I was on of those people I would be so sad and that I had to leave my house.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Bombing book

This bomb killed one American and irradiated other. It is very cool that they made this a book and now into a movie. The guy is going to rewrite parts of the books for the paperback and foreign editions. I find it super cool that a guy would keep all of those papers and photographs of everything. Plus I am glad this guy is going to change it so that the information and history is correct.
I think that it would be hard to become a replacement out of nowhere and have to take over a huge job. I would be so scared. For example, Mr. Fuoco became the bomber’s flight engineer at the last minute when Mr. Corliss fell ill.
It is interesting that Russell Gackenbach, the flight’s navigator, would call Mr. Corliss a good friend. Like how he said he wouldn’t be on that fight without him. They even shook hands on the airplane. The New York times thing that the book was very claim and good.
They are smart to make the book focuses mainly on survivor tales. I think that if I was reading this book I would want it to be like this. It would grab my attention. I think that the author should have to change stuff so that he doesn’t ruin the historical records.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

God said multiply, and Did she ever?

God said multiply, and Did she ever?
There was a woman who died at the age of 75 named Shaindel. She had many grandchildren. Also she had a great-great-granddaughter named Yitta. Plus she had a great-great-grandson named Moshe. There are 2,000 people in here family.
I found it very interesting that she was part of the Holocaust. That is sad that she had to go with six kids and her husband to the Holocaust. She is very brave to make it all the way through the Holocaust. She must have seen a lot of things happen in the concentration camp. It is so cool that her whole family lived through the Holocaust.
By having so many people in her family you would think she would never see any of them. But you are wrong…they had a family calendar so that she could have time to go visit them. She didn’t have to bother to know all of their names. 
I think that it would be hard to make so much food for all the kids. For example, she had to make six loaves of challah for every Sabbath day.  She is a strong women to be able to make that much food every day.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

                Only 14, Bangladeshi girl charged with adultery was lashed to death.
        Hena was the youngest of five children in her family. They shared a hut made from. Khan's wife heard Hena's faint screams and when she found Hena with her husband, she dragged the girl back to her hut, beat her and corrugated tin and decaying wood and led a simple life that was suddenly marred a year ago with the return of Hena's cousin Mahbub Khan. On her way home from school she was bullied by Khan. Many months later on a winter night, Hena was walking from her room to an outdoor toilet when Khan gagged her with cloth, forced her behind nearby shrubbery and beat and raped her. Hena struggled to escape trampled her on the floor.
I don’t think that older people should take their anger out on younger children. Especially young girls that was innocent. An older man lashed a 14 year old girl because of having an affair with a married man. He is very rude to do that action to her. The punishment was: 101 lashes delivered swiftly, deliberately in public. She had dropped to the floor after 70 lashes. Her parents had been watching this scene and were threatened. They were not able to go save their daughter from Aklima Begum.
        Bruised, bleeding and near death, she was rushed to the hospital. Once they attempted to help her she died a week later.
The man that abused the girl should have been charged many things. He wasn’t charged for anything because he had 201 lashes for him to have. He managed to escape during the punishment.
The government had put body guards around this family to keep them safe. Their attempt had failed and she was raped and killed. The family should be able to sue the country for their actions.
                I think that this punishment should be illegal and that they should not be able to do mean things to people in your country. This girl had died in innocence and didn’t deserve to be killed. Especially since she had been 14 years old. Even though she had an affair she is still too young to be married.
        This man is a mean guy for beating her up. She is so sad now because she is dead. It is really sad that she died because she is not even old enough to be married.
Public outrage shot by that autopsy report prompted the high officials to order of Hena's body in February. A second autopsy started at Dhaka Medical College Hospital showed Hena had died of excessive bleeding and her body shed the marks of severe injuries.
Police are now leading an investigation and have arrested several people, including Mahbub Khan, in connection with Hena's death.
"I've nothing to demand but justice," said Darbesh Khan, taking a reporter to the place where his daughter was abducted the night she was raped.
He stood in very quietly and took a deep breath. She wasn't even old enough to be married, he said, testament to Hena's tenderness in a part of the world where many girls are married before adulthood. "She was so small."
Hena's mom, Aklima stared absently as she spoke of her daughter's last minutes. She could not even say her own words. "She was innocent," Aklima said, recalling Hena's last words.
Police were protecting Hena's family earlier this month. Darbesh and Aklima were scared for having spoken out against the village elders.
They had thought out the most severe punishment for their youngest daughter. They could get nothing past them.


I think that this woman should be able to publish her work. If she finds this stuff interesting why not let her show it to the world. It might help out people in this world. It can make us more grateful for what we have. People might respect their stuff more and realize that they are lucky for what they have.
I think that people will see these pictures as inspiration. It will push them to want to help others who have less than them. Also people will see how people who have less are still grateful for everything that they have. Especially when they get something new they appreciate it a lot more than us.
People will know that their homeland is still beautiful even though these pictures are not of their landscape. Because every place in the world has places where people live like this. But that doesn’t make the place or homeland not beautiful.
I like the part where they say “The authorities want to shoe a rosy-cheeked face, a beautiful face, as if the wise rulers rule so well that nothing will ever happen.” I think this makes it seem like the artist really cares about her work and wants it to get out there.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I think that this is a very interesting story. She went through so much to get to her dream. I am amazed of her courage and the abilty to push through hard times. She never gave up and in the end made it all happen. Her dream came true.

She deserved to be in the Olympics. By all of the hard work she went through. I find it amazing that even after her knee injury she didn't stop. She pushed through the pain and made it to the next Olympics. She even had bad financing but made a way to make her dreams come true.

She is a true leader to everyone. She shows that we should never give up. And if we don't we will make our dreams come true. She has probably helped so many people follow their dreams. She makes me want to work harder in soccer to make my dreams come true. She has gone through so much to make it to where she’s now and its amazing to me. She is a great example to everyone. She makes people believe that they can make it.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

This guy should go to jail. It is not fair that he gets away with doing somethign like this. It is not right to have him walking around free on the street. He might even do it again. That should not be a loud.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



 B-That the game was rough and dirty. That people never stop playing even in the hardest wether. It looks like the team tried hard and played till the whistle. 

C- There is the mud and scratches all over the soccer play. The cleats are worn down and the toes are going to rip. The cleats and ball look dark an beaten up.

D- This player worked hard in her game and never gave up. He played through the cold and rain. So pushed herself all the way to the end.


B- Peaceful, beautiful, and showing that you love the to dance.

C- The heart around the other point shoe shows that they love to dance They had it shinny nut the shoes are can of worn down. So it looks like they use them all the time.

D-The dancer uses these often. But she has gone through many trials in her life. That is one of the reasons that she loves it so much. 


B- Passion, dedication, and determination are all represented in this picture.

C-They have the snowboard sitting in the snow. Plus the snow is going into the bindings, so it looks like it has been use a lot. They have it from an angle so that it can look like a long journey to get to the best you can.

D- There is a person that rides this snowboard every time he gets a chance. The person practices his moves in the front yard and on the trap. This person is prepared for when she gets her chance to 

Thursday, February 24, 2011

George Best

George Best was bron on May 22, 1946. He was a Northern Irish soccer player. Best know for his years with Manchester United. In 1968,  he won the European Cup with the Manchester United. In the same year he won the European Footballer of the Year.

George was the oldest kid in his family. His parents names where Dickie Best and Anne Best. He grew up in Cregagh, Belfast. He had four sisters, named Carol, Barbara, Julie, and Grace, and one brother, Ian. His dad died when he was 16, at age 88.

In 1957, at age 11, the academically gifted he passed the 11 plus and went to Grosvenor High School, but he soon played truant as the school specialized in rugby. he moved on to Lisnasharragh Secondary School, reuniting him with friends from primary school and allowing him to focus on soccer.

When he was fit he was a automatic choice for the Northern Ireland team. But he was not able to win the World Cup qualifications for them, beside scoring 9 goal and capping 37 times. In 1999, he was voted for the IFFHS European Player of the Century election. He was named one of the top 125 best living soccer player in his 2004 FIFA 100 list, he was listed 19.

He was one of the first celebrity soccer player. But he got addicted to alcohol. Which ended his career and lead to his death in November 2005. He cause of death was multiple organ failure brought on by a kidney infection, and a side effect of the immuno-suppressive drugs that he was supposed to take after a liver transplant. In 2007 GQ named hin as one of the 50 most stylish men of the past 50 years.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to get on a traveling soccer team

   If you want to get on a traveling soccer team. There are many thing you need to do. But you need to be commited. Because you will have to work hard.

  First, you need to have a goal in mind. For example, you want to know if you want to be on the top team or a lower team. Once you decide that you need go outside and work one your foot skills. you also need to be able to defend.

  Second, you need to be able to run atleast 3 miles in a row. So if you can not do that then you need to go out and run. Also you need to be able to sprint far and mutiple times in a row.

  Third, you have try outs. You go there and they are usually arou 2 to 3 hours. Some are even to days in a row. After those you wait for a call from the coachs. They will tell you what team you have made. By then they will have all the teama planed out.

Last off, you start practicing and have games. Then you have it year around and have to try out again. You will go through the process again. But you will have a better chance to make the team the second time. Because the coachs know you better and know what you can do. So make sure you try your hardest durning the year so that your coach will want you on his team next year.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Is Blogging Journalism?

In my opinion blogging is journalism. When you blog you are writing about news and your opinion on things. On blogs you give your opinion on stuff and that is considered journalism. People think that journalism is just news. But I think that journalism is just when you tell your opinion.

Journalism is when people write down what is around them or there opinion. That is what blogging is. Most people like reading about what people think. It makes them think more about the topic and what they think abou it.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

I play for a soccer team called Avalanche Premiere Southside. We travel to Las Vegas, California, and Arizona. There are about four to five tournaments a year.

We have played teams from Alaska to Mexico. But the hardest teams are usually from California because they practice outdoors year around.

We have never won a tournament. But we have gotten super close. We got to the Semis and went into PK shot outs. If we would of won the PK shot outs we would of moved on to the finals.

Our next tournament is next Friday. It is in Arizona and it is four the whole weekend. Our coach is certain that we can win this one.

It will be aw big accomplishment for our team uif we win. Are rating will go up super high. We might even get into the 50.