Thursday, March 17, 2011

This guy should go to jail. It is not fair that he gets away with doing somethign like this. It is not right to have him walking around free on the street. He might even do it again. That should not be a loud.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011



 B-That the game was rough and dirty. That people never stop playing even in the hardest wether. It looks like the team tried hard and played till the whistle. 

C- There is the mud and scratches all over the soccer play. The cleats are worn down and the toes are going to rip. The cleats and ball look dark an beaten up.

D- This player worked hard in her game and never gave up. He played through the cold and rain. So pushed herself all the way to the end.


B- Peaceful, beautiful, and showing that you love the to dance.

C- The heart around the other point shoe shows that they love to dance They had it shinny nut the shoes are can of worn down. So it looks like they use them all the time.

D-The dancer uses these often. But she has gone through many trials in her life. That is one of the reasons that she loves it so much. 


B- Passion, dedication, and determination are all represented in this picture.

C-They have the snowboard sitting in the snow. Plus the snow is going into the bindings, so it looks like it has been use a lot. They have it from an angle so that it can look like a long journey to get to the best you can.

D- There is a person that rides this snowboard every time he gets a chance. The person practices his moves in the front yard and on the trap. This person is prepared for when she gets her chance to 